It's here- the long awaited day of eating so much great food to the point of discomfort that you need to rest 5 minutes before you do it 7 more times... an hour.
I am briefly reminded of a time that I decided I would host Thanksgiving dinner for what ended up being 2.5 people, I sure wasn't the half. For some reason I was over zealous and prepared food for a family of 10: a 19-pound turkey, rosemary-garlic mashed potatoes, carrot ginger soup, cranberry sauce, stuffing, 4-cheese macaroni, 3 pies and then some... Needless to say I had nothing to do but eat for the following 3 days with good company... and to top it off about 7 large bags of discounted Halloween peanut M&M's were consumed during the breaks of the feasting. I want the entirety of 2006 Thanksgiving recreated this year!
Sadly, I think it will be different... and not just for me but for a multitude of people around the world- even those that don't know they are celebrating Thanksgiving. As "American" of a "holiday" that it is, the idea is present- be thankful, as we should be all the time. But this time around, the tables and bellies of the majority of people eating dinner on November 27, 2008 will be less full. I say majority because i can't help but notice the amount of people that flaunt the fact that they have not really been affected by the recession/ depression. While some of us have liquidated their IRA at 25 so that we can eat and pump gas (gladly gas has gone down now!), others have not even remotely noticed, besides whats over played on the news, that the economy and a lot of people are suffering. Yeah there is 16% unemployment rate... what's it to them, they've got money in the bank, or daddy's credit card.
Recently at a panel discussion in Santa Barbara, California on the Future of Non-Profits in Santa Barbara it was reiterated that non-profits everywhere are in a difficult situation. Most already face hardship because of limited resources, especially financial, but this time around they are to act as the safety net for the previously mentioned sufferers. The fact that charities are to act as the safety net, event for government programs is huge. But it also goes to show the importance of the sector and the amount of support that should be given and how much more is needed.... Otherwise we may all go under... like is said to be in the UK.
I guess this episode of gibberish is just that. Now I am just waiting for traffic to die down on one of the busiest travel days of the year so that I can drive to the place that will host my gluttonous adventure tomorrow evening...
Until next time, I'll keep on pondering...