Saturday, 27 June 2009

the good in fatigue.

The state of being tired and overwhelmed also inhibits an essence of soul searching. Where one goes into the depths of the inners and discovers a whole new world of being.. and that it is all within ourselves.

Lately, amidst my clock ticking too fast and and days molding into things that just happen to all end in the letter Y, I have strangely found time to be profound. In my head that is. The recent conversations with friends, with family, with society and with myself have brought me gratitude of who I am, what I do and everything in history that makes that possible.

I have made impactful decisions that, as an individual and being the purveyor of my own future and how that shapes out, I will take the bull by the horns and let it take me whichever way the bull decides. I am seeking to develop the self. I am selfish. No I do not want kids now. And hopefully my aspiration to become a single father with a surrogate mother (hopefully someone I am fond of already) will come about, but not now. I aim to travel. To see the world and to experience every which angle the world provides and to taste the nectar of every which fruit that crosses my path. I have no boundaries and I am invincible.

...or I am dreaming and going crazy?