Spring forward and Fall backward. Phrases that we heard time and time again with reference to our clocks and what to do with them when switching the time. Time aside, springing forward is also an opportunity to do that to one's self. It seems that during the spring, so many opportunities present themselves in various forms, that there is abundance in life.
I like spring. I like it a lot. Food, friends, outdoor time, music, laughter.... this all seems to increase during the spring and it almost causes for spirits to spring into life. Over the last few weeks, spring has granted me the opportunity to do a plethora of activities that have defined my spring of 2011, making it more and more memorable as days continue.
I wonder though, if the reason that I am in la vie en rose, so to speak, is because I am more appreciate of what I do have versus what I do not have. I wonder if my jovial outlook on life and the fact that I am making more of an effort to just be, have anything to do with things feeling SO much better. I want to think it is true and I will believe it is true. Eff what others think and eff social norm.... in a perverse selfish manner- its about how I feel and my own outlook.
I like feeling good. I enjoy being satisfied with what Ive got and being more simple. Its good for me and you and them and that, I think. Until something else comes along, I am going to continue to enjoy the Spring and just be, whilst I enjoy everything that comes my way. Here's to eating, drinking, and being merry.