Tuesday 19 May 2009

Ready, Set, SPLIT...

Being back in the office at Gemin-i.org feels like never having left. Although new faces surround and whelm the space in the office, the feel and culture that I was very fond of has not changed. One day before re-embarking on the ferry boat across the chunnel to Calais and I can think of nothing more than the Cold Play, Viva la Vida song that was on repeat the last time I took the daunting trip... the first 20 seconds of the song can only sound enticing the first 12 times.

Since being in London I have felt like I am at home. Few things here and there that I have forgotten but only required a slight reminder to reacknowledge... for example that cars come on the opposite direction, that many consonants are forgotten when speaking in British English and that its bloody expensive!!! Otherwise I am fending well and feeling closer to the Queen than ever.

In the meantime I trick myself into thinking that I am still in Santa Barbara by wearing shorts, Toms and a t-shirt... all the while the rain is shooting down from the sky like sharp arrows in a Native American battle.

Here's to Cali and bringing a little bit of it to the UK and Europe.

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