Tuesday 12 October 2010

Honoring the body-

From the moment we can comprehend we know the body sends us signals about our well-being. As a toddler, the sound of a fart made us develop uncontrollable laughter... although that might continue into adulthood. The crackle of our voice in middle school, well something was evidently changing there. As time changes the body sends signals of pain and of joy, emotional and physical. We indulge in various activities that cause for a certain emotion and feeling to be produced within our body. Some feelings and emotions are not necessarily welcome, but they still send us a signal of how we are doing.

I have recently become a victim to a whirlwind of feelings within my own body. In training for the marathon I have managed to injure my IT Band and my TFL on my right leg. Soon after I started regularly doing yoga and then I came down with a cold/ upper respiratory infection, which has by now lasted for 3-weeks. Is my body trying to tell me something? I recently went to the doctor and realized that I have been to URGENT care 3 times this year. I tend to think of myself as a healthy, non-sickly person, but I guess my body begs to differ. It is at times like this that reassessing my routines and taking into consideration the smoke signals that are being sent to me via IT band and phlegm are truly important.

Our bodies are indeed wonderlands. we need to take time to listen carefully to the wants and needs of the body- truly and honorably care for one's self by simply listening to the body and not abusing it when it is sending signals, or ever for that matter. I pledge that from here on out, I will listen to my body and work to make it a better functioning machine for my own good, and where necessary reach a compromise.

Here's to honoring our bodies, of all shapes and all sizes.

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