Thursday, 30 December 2010

The end of this cycle

Every so often we have the opportunity to reflect on life and see what we have made of it, where we are at with it, and where we want to take it next. This past year has been one that will undoubtedly go down in the books as another good one, but it will also be one when looking back that will be remembered as a pivotal year for life changes.

2010 started off with a short exploration of a new culture in Peru. I had the gracious opportunity to travel with two great friends to an unknown land to me. Not only was the opportunity to visit fantastic, but the people I traveled with and the people I met there will remain in my soul and heart for ever. Bringing in the new year in Cusco with our friends the Argentinians, Peruvians and all the other strangers from around the world was a moment not to forget, and not just because we were in a foreign land.

Over the course of the year Santa Barbara, CA started becoming more and more like home. Having been away from CA for 5 years and not living anywhere for more than 11 months (London) I started to get the itch to leave Santa Barbara at around the year mark. This worked in an opposite form. I started gaining more responsibility at work, I started becoming comfortable with my living situation and I was settling into the neighborhood (i.e Melrose Place). How could I leave?

Mid year 2010 I had a roommate swap. Barbara moved out and Mike moved in. Change is good and nothing in life is constant nor forever. Summer for Melrose Place was themed "Slut it Up!" and although there was very, very little of anything related to the theme going on, at least for me- I felt as though the summer months were all a vacation with good friends on a seaside town... game nights, dinner parties, spontaneous adventures, hikes, and ultimately good memories.

As work continued to pick up steam, my role continued to develop to set me up towards acquiring more responsibility towards year-end. During the third quarter of the year a time of intensive reflection came upon me. That is when this blog became more prevalent, when I injured my knee during my marathon training and when yoga became a common thread in my life. This has allowed to be more intentional with life and my actions. It has allowed me to explore me and really get to know Javier Moreno a whole lot better. Things are shaping up. I dont think I know every bit of me yet, but I sure am working hard at doing so.

This brings me to present day and I continue to be in love with my life. Many people have commented that they wish they had my life and I would question back, "why?". Im starting to come to terms with the fact that I do lead a pretty darn good life. I have great family and friends. I have a great job and great co-workers. I live in a beautiful city. I enjoy good food and drink. Above all else, I realize that I am happy with life as a whole and that allows me to enjoy the present day so much more. I still have a lot of reality to come to terms with and a lot of excavating of myself.

For this very reason of wanting to find out more I am setting myself up with a few resolutions for the new year.

1. I will be more intentional and authentic in my actions
2. I will reflect on my daily activity through this blog and other means
3. I will get to know my subconscious self and start to visit with my dreams
4. I will assess my career and career path more holistically
5. I will be more conscious about what goes into my body
6. I will be more conscious about the environmental impact I have on the world and aim to influence others to do the same
7. I will connect with old friends and write more letters to mail to them
8. Most importantly, I will strive to maintain happiness day in and day out.

I am well aware that sometimes things don't work out as planned, and in those cases it's rolling with the punches. Everything happens for a reason and its about accepting truth and reality with arms wide open.

2011 will be a good year and I look forward to the growth that will happen in the years ahead.

Happy New Year.


Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Feeling better when you already feel good

There are some days that don’t seem like they can get any better. You are thoroughly enjoying your company. You reflect on your day and you feel damn good. You have great conversation and it is meaningful. And then, things get better… Is that normal? Does that ever really happen? Well I can attest to this.

All signs reading “go”, all lights turned green and energy is flowing positively when I make an effort to connect with an elderly woman that was sitting next to me on a flight back to Santa Barbara. I overheard when she told another woman that she was from Mexico. I thought this would be a more than appropriate topic to connect on and surely it was. This woman resulted in having the most of uplifting spirits and in more than one way did she reiterate the need to look at things positively.

We shared various stories related to travel, politics, family and the like, all of which resulted in my reassurance that having a positive outlook on things is truly rewarding. This woman who was in her 80’s and potentially even a relative (as her name was Isabel Moreno) provided me with reinforcement for true and authentic carpe diem, all in the context of great conversation.

Isabel bid farewell to both of us who were sitting next to her and mentioned that taking this opportunity to have a short lived relationship was a great blessing to her. I agreed.

In the recent past, I have come across individuals and moments that have initiated a thought process of holistic assessment of things and in a way allowed for me to “set a precedent” to keep a positive outlook. I have not read my horoscope lately, but I feel like the cosmos are in a particular formation causing for Pisces to have plentiful reflection and opportunity to keep a positive outlook on situations. I welcome more of this, whatever it is that is happening right now.